Fighter’s Heaven is a hidden treasure among Pennsylvania’s cultural heritage. Once used by Muhammad Ali as a training camp (1972-1981), this landmark is dedicated to one of modern American history’s greatest boxers and justice advocates.

Our co-founder, Dr. Todd Mealy wrote for Pennsylvania Heritage magazine about the history of Fighter’s Heaven. While a reconstruction of Ali’s time at the Deer Lake site, the article provides a sidebar discussing efforts by Mike Madden to restore the camp to its original appearance. Read here:…/fighters-heaven…/

Our True Colors group along with Superintendent Michael “Mick” Iskric, school board members Calvin Johnson and Julianna Paioletti shared a wonderful experience at Fighter’s Heaven in Deer Lake, Pennsylvania while learning the history of Muhammad Ali and his views on social justice. This is a must-see treasure. Shout-out to Mick Stefanek, he’s the curator at Fighter’s heaven and does an excellent job providing the history of Ali and the camp. Would also like to thank premier limousine and their driver “George” for providing us with transportation. Lastly the good folks at Manada Hill Diner (right off 81) for the wonderful lunch.

Special shout-out to “my man” Ray Goodwin, he provided the piece of art for the presentation. Yo! Ray, your piece now at Fighter’s Heaven in Deer Lake with all the other images of Muhammad Ali and his greatest.